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In most financial environments tools to manage cash flow and investments exist. Maybe some of the following questions arise:

  • Can I present all company departments into a hierarchy of financial indicators?
  • Can I easily analyze the performance of individual departments, products, investments, etc.?
  • Can I compare investments and their related ROI (Return of investment) for the past 12 months?
  • How can I simplify and automate all information gathering and reporting processes I need to have a global overview?
  • Can I predict future investments based on past information easily?
  • Can I create Indicators on any information I have access to and I need to take decisions?
  • How to optimize the cash flow?
  • And many more…
Using the BeauTec Business Pilot, naturally all the above questions can be answered.
Our Integrated Information System truly integrates different data models and combines them into a central, flexible, multi-dimensional enterprise wide Information System where everyone finds his data one mouse click ahead.

BeauTec CMDB

A new version of BeauTec CMDB is available since march 2011.

Business Pilot

A new version of BeauTec Business Pilot is available since January 2011.