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The new version 3.11 of the BeauTec Business Pilot is available since January 2011.

It combines classical client/server technologies with modern service oriented architectures and web based visualization.

Keeping the existing ultimate flexibility of our solution, we have merged HTTP/XML/SOAP based 3-tear architectures with the intuitive ergonomics of our existing client-server package.

Version 3.11 can be used as your Intranet portal, as Plug-In within your portal or as std. Windows client/server solution keeping a thin or medium client installation.

Within this browser- or client-server environment, modern pane-oriented presentation techniques are used. The end user can himself organize his portal environment by simple drag-and-drop to optimize his working environment.

Although providing a web-based solution, our software keeps state and transaction safety across various URLs. This version is a state-of-the-art function-rich web solution.

BeauTec Business Pilot 3.11

What is next:

The next version of the BeauTec Business Pilot will provide full GDI+ support for even better graphical design capabilities. This version is announced for end of 1st quarter 2011.

BeauTec CMDB

A new version of BeauTec CMDB is available since march 2011.

Business Pilot

A new version of BeauTec Business Pilot is available since January 2011.