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Human Resources

In any HR environment, access to the best information possible at any point in time is difficult as the information environment is huge. Questions like the following arise:

  • How can I get a quick overview of everyone's performance?
  • Can I create indicators to be informed about abnormal situations like long illness, etc?
  • Do we currently use our resource pool best?
  • What are future requirements? Do we need to foresee further research?
  • Can I trend history of resource allocation etc to see our seasonal effects?
  • Where can we optimize resource usage?
  • Which qualifications do we really need for which job?
  • And many more…
Using the BeauTec Business Pilot, naturally all the above questions can be answered.
Our Integrated Information System truly integrates different data models and combines them into a central, flexible, multi-dimensional enterprise wide Information System where everyone finds his data one mouse click ahead.

BeauTec CMDB

A new version of BeauTec CMDB is available since march 2011.

Business Pilot

A new version of BeauTec Business Pilot is available since January 2011.