In any purchasing environment, access to the best information possible at any point in time is difficult as the information environment is huge. Questions like the following arise:
- Do I know at any point in time the requirements of our production processes?
- What are current market prices?
- How did they evolve in the past?
- What are our key constraints for production in the near future? Which impacts does this have for our next purchases?
- Which flexibility do I have in timing and volume?
- Do I have access to the best quality data at any point in time?
- Did I have the same situation already in the past? What have we done?
- And many more…
Using the
BeauTec Business Pilot, naturally all the above questions can be answered.
Our Integrated Information System truly integrates different data models and combines them into a central, flexible, multi-dimensional enterprise wide Information System where everyone finds his data one mouse click ahead.