The BeauTec Business Pilot
The BeauTec Business Pilot is an enterprise-wise Integration
Platform for any important information of your business. Its flexibility
makes it the ideal solution for current and especially future requirements.
Any enhancement or change to the Business Model rarely impacts existing
objects or functionality. Every end-user can use the Platform with hardly
any interruption. Its layered, service- and object oriented approach provides
an immediate return of investment; its intuitive graphical interface makes
it accepted by everyone instantly.
Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)
Any heterogeneous business needs special best-in-class applications for
special business functions. Most of the time different vendors provide
these applications. The concept of Information Integration has to understand
and use this topology.
The BeauTec integrated Information Infrastructure uses intelligent Services
and Interfaces to integrate every existing software application or database
transparently with minimal effort. As companies need to be able to replace
existing applications, the Integration does not have to be the deadlock.
Therefore BeauTec’s provided concept of Integration reduced required
adaptation to an absolute minimum.

100% “Open Code” solution
As an Information Technology (IT) Service provider, BeauTec understands
the customer’s need for transparency and quality. To proof this,
we even provide the executed source code of our integrated solution, on
server- and client-side. Using this for instant research in case of problems
or as state-of-the art examples for own developments and enhancements,
BeauTec is happy to work openly with its partners.
Ultimate flexibility to respond instantaneously to present
and future developments and changes
The purpose of a central Information Integration Platform is to provide
at any point in time all valid data in the right context and to anyone.
As an enterprise has to evolve and adapt to changing business needs, the
central view of the business has to change too. BeauTec’s service
and object oriented approach is especially designed to provide this flexibility.
Our vision for your integrated solution is not only to provide a system
for today, but for tomorrow. Replacing existing systems, adding new Applications
providing data is already a difficult task within an existing environment.
Using the BeauTec Integration Platform, this will become much simpler.
Experience shows that using our Integration platform, maintenance is extremely
low to keep the system up-to-date. Important decisions can be always taken
based on the most valid information.
Security features are built in on any level of access
From general database access rights down to security provided for individual
objects or attributes, every security concept is supported. Based on the
idea of single-sign-on, the user can see all the information he is allowed
to see, without any re-identification. The BeauTec solution is also capable
to handle automatic log-on to external systems based on the specific rights
of each user.
A data model transparently handling different data
frequencies (time validation) and propagation
Every enterprise has to deal with different data “frequencies”
(validity of time), data being measured in real-time, stored in process
historians e.g. as minute data, aggregated to hourly or daily averages,
totals or just snap-shots. Business functions like Accounting or Planning
need information even on daily or monthly basis. In addition, a lab evaluates
non-periodic data on qualities, maintenance information, or market data
is retrieved as it occurs.
All of this data has to be integrated and transparently be presented to
the end-user, providing the right frequency and related data aggregation
depending on the users role.
Data validity has to be treated correctly. Normally non-periodic information
is valid until a new value occurs whereas missing values of periodic data
has to be presented to inform about existing data gaps.
Intelligent Interfaces importing the meta-data model of
existing systems without persistently storing copies of your data
Standard Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) concepts provide adapters,
which copy and transform data to provide them in other applications.
BeauTec uses another approach. Our Intelligent Interfaces or Services
(SOA) typically provide the meta-data model of external systems within
our Integration Platform to understand the business view of each external
system and to be able to provide comparisons between any type of information.
As external data is only referenced, BeauTec is able to present data objects
to end-users without copying data from one data source to another, therefore
presented data is always up-to-date, valid and consistent throughout the
enterprise. If the data-model of the external system changes, the interface
will update the model in the Integration Platform respectively. This results
in a consistent and single location for your business and data integration
As an enterprise does not want to be limited in its selection of best-of-class
business applications, changes in external systems are foreseen. Therefore
even references to external data are historized, old and new system can
be run at the same time. At any point in time, one can decide to switch
from one system to another. The presentation of data coming from this
external business function will transparently be presented to the end-user
who does not need to search related data in the old and new system.
Automatic update features, executed in real-time and
providing Audit trail
Changes to business views of certain departments have to be provided to
others. Using the BeauTec concept of integration, most of the time, this
can be done automatically, without the necessity of manual modelling or
even code writing. As for BeauTec the different business models are important
to be understood and reflected, this is made easy. Any change to existing
objects, classes or even individual data can be traced and logged in an
attached Audit-Trail for further review.
An unlimited possibility to define different types of
comparisons or KPIs together with instant notification
Having important information integrated, comparisons like Planed vs. Actual,
vs. Accounted, vs. Simulated, etc. are easily possible. Of course, structural
and time-wise data aggregation has to be performed, but all required features
are built into the BeauTec Integration platform. Even unit of measure
conversion is done automatically and special non-linear calculation like
Blend-Indices are supported or can be easily added.
For each user, individual calculations or indicators are important to
decide on special actions.. Having required indicators graphically created,
the users are automatically notified in case of the KPI exceeding certain
limits. Escalation is supported.
Using this unlimited flexibility new ideas for indicators or information
to be integrated arise, leading to an active and living platform where
everyone identifies easily his opportunities.
Technical data model separated from the integrated
business model
An ultimate flexibility is required for the business data model to be
fully adapted to the customers needs. As the customer business changes,
the business model has to be adapted as frequent and as simple as possible.
By separating an abstract technical data model from the business model,
this is achieved with excellent efficiency. Based on standard relational
database management systems (RDBMS) like ORACLE an object oriented data
model provides maximal flexibility to create required classes, attributes
and objects whenever required. Using this approach, the customer model
is no longer hard-coded in fixed table structures, but itself only data
in an unlimited open framework. At any point in time, missing classes,
objects and individual attributes can be added, changed or removed without
the necessity of shutdown and database maintenance time. Users connected
to the Integration Platform can typically continue working without being
affected by data model changes.
Our Integration Platform is designed to host information for a long period
of time and we are able to store large amount of data easily in our scalable
architecture insuring that the database performance will not be impacted
throughout time.
Based on its industry proven architecture thousands of concurrent users
are supported without difficulty.
As an enterprise might be distributed geographically, Information Integration
can be done within and even between the different locations. Aggregated
data based on results from all sites is of extremely high value, still
being provided in real-time.
Integration layer separated from presentation layer
Every type of user or even each individual wants the same data be presented
most effectively to perform his work as efficient as possible. Therefore
the way data is presented has to be even more flexible as the data integration.
A combination of graphical and numerical information allows the user to
understand each value immediately in the right context without detailed
training. Putting additional information just one mouse-click away from
the users key-information, further research and analysis is made intuitively
For BeauTec, two features for data presentation are very important and
cannot be divided: A solution accepted by end-users has to be fast and
A performance, providing required information within seconds is only accepted,
if it is understood immediately within its context.
As the way, data is presented in a certain environment, BeauTec respects
the customer’s corporate identity and provides standard presentation
libraries, which can easily be extended and adapted to the customer’s
environment and wishes.
Our object-oriented and open client architecture allows intuitive and
transparent usage as client-server or web-architecture. It can also be
integrated in a Portal environment, e.g. Microsoft SharePoint Portal.
As Excel is the most common tool for reporting, BeauTec provides an Excel
Add-In with which all data from the Integration platform can be retrieved.
Sophisticated trending features including statistical information are
provided to allow long-term analysis and to find similar situations.