Integrated Process Visualization
"A picture speaks a thousand words" and often even more.
Having important information available for any of your business or production processes and being able to present them together in a graphical way and context related is one of the key success factors in modern rapid business life cycles.
The presentation of context information user or user-group specific in addition with key data and related indicators increases the understanding of the actual situation dramatically.
Simple and intuitive actions like mouse clicks on standard symbols should trigger additional actions like trending of selected information or drill-down into further details.
Present information always in respect of time as no value is time-less. Having even two time scales available on the screen to allow comparison of data from different dates makes analysis even more powerful. Information is provided in certain validity periods, e.g. information from continuous processes is instantly changing and mostly available on a minute basis. Other information is not even periodic, like purchase or sales information.
Supporting instant data aggregation depending on its frequency allows intuitive comparison of actual minute data and daily averages or totals. Using this type of functionality makes verification of progress easy.

BeauTec Process Visualization is a generic solution to model and visualize all information graphically and numerically without limitations. Based on standard industry libraries, the open concept allows adding intuitively additional shapes and presentations, adaptation to specific corporate images and even the creation of new libraries.
Every Presentation Object (PO) can present any information from the BeauTec Integration Platform, the Object Warehouse, and provides ultimate flexibility to display certain information exactly in the way specific users or business functions require it.
The provided intuitive scripting language together with the fully object oriented component approach allow the creation of "intelligent" Presentation Objects even displaying status information based on certain conditions.
Standard technologies like OLE, ActiveX, FTP, email, Registry, XML, etc. are supported to integrate the Process Visualization solution best into an existing environment.
Intuitive standard feature like "double-click = trend" are available providing instantly historized graphs of the selected objects and providing statistical data.
The BeauTec Excel Add-In contains a set of general functions to retrieve data from any integrated information.
The hierarchical security features provide access mechanisms from Single sign-on down to special security on individual objects and attributes. Special log-on for external systems can be requested.
Most values carry a unit of measure (UOM). Our platform is capable of presenting objects providing data in different UOMs in the same UOM on the screen. Only limitation, of course, is the same SI group for all UOMs or another, even customer specific, conversion rule.
As the BeauTec Process Visualization is based on our Integration Platform, comparison of high complex data is made simple. Based on our structural and time wise aggregation features, the presentation of planned, scheduled, real-time, compensated, reconciled, accounted, simulated, etc. data is made simple.
The BeauTec Process Visualization Framework is available as Client-Server solution as well as Web-Plug In.
The installation is made simple and scalable. From server-based installation with no client installation to thin-clients or medium-client installation, there system can be adapted best to your network infrastructure.