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All information is integrated, aggregated, and evaluated...

Heterogeneous, diverse in its functions and professions, your organization is also in your information systems. Each department uses software specially designed for its specific business function.

Today, this eclectic approach is a major handicap to view your enterprise in a global and coherent manner.
How to conceive a strategy, control its execution, drive and reinforce the performance?

BeauTec Business Pilot, a next generation solution developed by BeauTec, provides the ability to create a new transparency and new synergies within your company.

But how? By the use of elite technologies and our exceptional vision and methodology, BeauTec Business Pilot provides an instantly optimized integration of information unmatched in the market.

Custumer View

  • BeauTec Business Pilot is the only solution jointly providing:

  • Universal compatibility

    BeauTec Business Pilot is compatible with all standards systems and technical solutions available on the market and is based on industry leading proven technology.
  • Optimal security

    Each user has, depending on his role and responsibility, access to all levels of information just by "Single Sign On".
  • Essential flexibility

    Every enterprise changes and grows. Without the need of technical assistance, BeauTec Business Pilot adapts itself and enables real-time ”point and click” adjustment of your business model for your entire organization, without the necessity to rewrite code.
  • Intuitive performance

    Information is immediately understood in its context, comparison of any type of data is possible. Providing requested information within seconds, the user is not limited in his research.
    Depending on your infrastructure, the information can be visualized as client/server Windows-TM application, web portal, java applet, web-part or ActiveX.

… in order to act with accuracy and efficiency!

  • Accelerated decision-making cycle

    With BeauTec Business Pilot the operations of planning, controlling, and reporting are no longer disconnected or altered over time. They happen jointly and simultaneously according to your unique business model with consistent and continuous interaction and adjustment cycles.
    BeauTec Business Pilot enables decision makers to translate their strategies into plans, and to control a plan’s execution, to measure its performance, and to adjust its directions in respect to most recent results.
  • Entirely shared objectives

    With BeauTec Business Pilot all players and collaborators in the company have constant access to updated and validated information, to production and quality control evaluating their performance, to KPI’s indicating deviations and alerts.
    Conscious of and informed about global objectives, each individual can, at his level, execute the required adjustments in order to increase the degree of fit into a transparent shared strategy.
  • Return of investment, rapid and lasting

    Immediately operational, and immediately efficient as soon as installed, BeauTec Business Pilot is instantaneously of value. The realized projects guarantee a return of investment within months.
    A concept open to evolution and mutation assures the continuity of our solution. Its efficiency, short-term as well as long-term, its adaptability and flexibility, its low maintenance cost, and its versatility make it the ideal integration solution for your business.

BeauTec CMDB

A new version of BeauTec CMDB is available since march 2011.

Business Pilot

A new version of BeauTec Business Pilot is available since January 2011.