BeauTec Intelligent Interface Services
Today’s data infrastructures are getting more and more complex
and heterogeneous. Information has to be available as fast as possible
in the best quality possible within many business applications. Having
a central Integrated Information System in place, bi-directional interfaces
to individual Systems are easy to create and maintain, as they need to
support only one single point of integration. From there new data or just
information about updated data is automatically forwarded to destination
systems. Intelligent Interfaces have to be able to transport the business
view of external systems into the central repository to provide a general
understanding about how to map and compare information. Copying and already
transforming individual data points through an interface is not good practice.
The BeauTec Intelligent Interface Services support even multiple data
source for the same business function, as a company will replace old systems
continuously with new ones. The provided information from each business
function needs to be transparently provided for all users without the
necessity to search data in different systems.
The BeauTec Intelligent Interface Services provide the following functions:
- Support of all standard technologies
- Based on XML and similar standards (HTTP, FTP, various file formats)
- A wide range of standard interfaces available
- Service-oriented architecture
- Open technology and object-oriented templates to easily provide interfaces
for special, e.g. “home-made” systems
- Bi-directional interfaces
- Global and individual system sign-on and security features are passed
throughout the architecture
- Automatic fall-back and restart features
- The business models of external systems are kept and provided within
the central Integration Platform
- No special data transformation performed
- Automatic central model updates in case of local business model changes
- On-line interfaces for instant access to best data used as default approach
- Data replication possible in case of requirement (technical constraint,
performance, legal issues, etc.)
- Configurable data aggregation features (structural or time-wise)
- Detailed specification and graphical system architecture
- Automatic tests of interfaces status including automatic notification
- Data persistence and integrity during data transportation
- Graphical configuration
BeauTec CMDB A new version of BeauTec CMDB is available since march 2011.
Business Pilot A new version of BeauTec Business Pilot is available since January 2011.